[Wikipedia-l] Why MO.wikipedia. - Moldovan, are written in cyrillic ?

Adrenalin adrenalinup at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 17:58:15 UTC 2005

On 12/10/05, V. Ivanov <amikeco at gmail.com> wrote:
> Stop talking nonsense about my country. ;) Wikipedia is a neutral
> place, it's not a place for nationalist extremists like you.
> Sl.

Me, a nationalist extremist ? Um ?
I just want to see the real script of my language on mo., is that
nationalistic extremism ?
Let's say what tomorrow the en.wikipedia would be in japanese script,
because of some ppl what write english language using japanese
symbols, and someone will call to revert it back to the real script,
latin, would he be a nationalist extremist too ?

The majority of moldovian speakers use latin script to write the
moldovian language, so why couldn't we ask mo.wikipedia to be in latin
script too ?

This topic indeed get too big, any Wikipedia Administrator, please ?

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