[Wikipedia-l] Why MO.wikipedia. - Moldovan, are written in cyrillic ?

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 15:28:23 UTC 2005

On 10/12/05, V. Ivanov <amikeco at gmail.com> wrote:
> Stop talking nonsense about my country. ;) Wikipedia is a neutral
> place, it's not a place for nationalist extremists like you.
> Sl.
> 2005/12/10, Adrenalin <adrenalinup at gmail.com>:
> > I say it again, the only Moldovans who write Moldovian language using
> > cyrillic are the Transnistrian ones, but they are FORCED by russian
> > MILITARY FORCES! (read more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transnistria)
> > They don't choose that, the RUSSIA CHOOSE FOR THEM! (or have you heard
> > of any referendum?).
> ...
> > Or i feel like wikipedia are under russian military forces influence too...

I do not think there is a problem of national extremism here. It is
pure indignation. I was born in Moldova, I was taught Romanian in
school and passed the Baccalaureate exam on Romanian and on the
History of Romanians, I spoke all my life Romanian, I wrote it always
with the Latin script, and I come on Wikipedia - a decent source of
information - and I find out that actually it is Moldovan that we
speak in Moldova, and that we write it with the Cyrillic script (that
I couldn't even use for writing anything in Romanian and that does not
represent all the Romanian sounds, anyway). And furthermore, taking
into consideration the way mo.wikipedia is organized (containing all
the Cyrillic content), I conclude that Cyrillic Moldovan is
representative of Moldova. This is the non-sense in all this issue.

OK, so let it be that Moldovan language existed and exists, but only
in Cyrillic script, and only as an artificial language that was always
imposed by the authorities. This should not suggest that it has
anything to do on mo.wikipedia. As it was said in previous posts, this
is Moldova's domain, where Romanian is used (no matter what the
authorities say). If anything finds it sound to maintain a Cyrillic
Moldovan Wikipedia, let it be. However, not on mo.wikipedia. A
compromise place would be mo-cyr.wikipedia. Anyway, Wikipedia is
structured by languages and not by countries. There is no
nz.wikipedia, nor au.wikipedia, nor at.wikipedia.org. There are no New
Zealand, Australian or Austrian languages. There was once a Moldovan
Cyrillic language that is presently imposed to a minority of citizens
of Moldova that live in a separatist region called Transnistria. As it
was said earlier, mo.wikipedia is just a means of disinformation.
Mo.wikipedia should be keeped only as a disambiguation page, having a
redirect to ro.wikipedia.

A compromise solution, in my opinion:
1) Move all the mo.wikipedia content to a mo-cyr.wikipedia.
2) Remove Node_us' administrative powers over mo.wikipedia and give
him the Administrator privileges on mo-cyr.wikipedia. Thus he
conserves the Administrator status over the Wikipedia that he created
(in the sense of having most contributed to it).
3) Organize an election for a new mo.wikipedia Administrator. I
believe Ronline or Oleg Alexandrov would be good candidates (of
course, under the condition that they desire so). Mo.wikipedia should
be administered by a Moldovan or a Romanian.

Thus this issue will cool down. At least for the moment.

So, please, could an Administrator - with enough privileges - join
this discussion?

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