[Wikipedia-l] $6,000 goal reached!

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 11 02:34:04 UTC 2003

Jimbo wrote:
>Well, there are many other needs, so I think we 
>can leave it up for now.  But we should craft a 
>wise list of needs to publicize for when we're up 
>and running fast and really push for media 
>attention via the press release.

Now that we have the money for the database server, #1 on my list would be to 
hire a MySQL/PHP optimization expert to optimize MediaWiki's semi-permanently 
disabled features. I'm sure our developers would be the first to state that 
hardware alone will not solve our problems. 

#2 on my list would be to purchase 10 year registrations on each 
Wikimedia-owned domain (Wiktionary.org is due in December). 

>There's plenty of use for at least $20,000 right away, 
>if we can get it.

For now a more modest push for $10,000 to cover expenses over the next six 
months would be more realistic, IMO. We could either try to get that in the 
month after initial press release distribution, and/or we could state that we 
won't take down the [support] message from each page until we hit the $10,000 
figure. Then in another six months the [support] message goes back up and a 
new fundraising drive begins in concert with a new press release for some new 
milestone. Just some thoughts... 

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

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