[WikiEN-l] Votes for deletion and due process

Jimmy Wales jwales at bomis.com
Wed Aug 20 12:07:46 UTC 2003

Nicholas Knight wrote:
>And these written policies are apparently developed 
>in back rooms with no input from the community. 
>Convenient for you until you realize it goes directly 
>against your "policy" of forcing openness upon the 
>unwashed masses. 

I don't agree with either of these sentences.  I don't see any way for
our policy development process to be any more open to input from the
community.  I can't think of a less secretive or more noisy way to
organize anything.  There are no back rooms here -- everything is done
in public, with wide advertising throughout the system of how it's
done.  We're always open to suggestions, of course, but I think the
system right now is a model of public accountability.

The second sentence bewilders me completely.  What do your scare
quotes around 'policy' mean?  What do you mean by 'forcing openness'?
Somehow our openness is *imposed* on the world?  

And finally, I certainly don't agree with the notion of 'unwashed
masses' -- that attitude has no place within my outlook.  The very
foundation of our wiki philosophy is that ordinary people can do
extraordinary things, so that there's no need for elaborate
hierarchies of control.


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