[Labs-l] Upgrade complete

[w:en:User:Madman] madman.enwiki at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 15:25:44 UTC 2012

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Steve Slevinski <slevin at signpuddle.net> wrote:
> Hi list,
> The upgrade seems to have confused mysql on my instance.
> After a lot of investigation and poking around and a few reboots, I was able
> to produce the error:
> (Can't contact the database server: Unknown database 'testwiki' (localhost))

It wasn't the upgrade; this is just probably the first time your MySQL
server's restarted. There's been an issue with the MySQL manifest for
some time. The issue can be reproduced by creating a new instance,
running puppetd -tv, then restarting MySQL; this causes the problem
you report.

If I recall correctly, MyISAM files are in /var/lib/mysql, which is
the server's initial data directory when it starts successfully, then
it's changed to /mnt/mysql and that's where InnoDB files are(?). I
believe I ended up moving testwiki to /mnt/mysql and running
mysql_install_db to recreate the mysql directory in that data
directory. I reported this on August 8th to a root who was already
aware of the problem. *shrug*

> Any ideas or advice?

Hope this helps.

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