[Wikipedia-l] User Jcb deleting articles in ia.wikipedia.org

Andre Engels andreengels at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 14:02:35 UTC 2005

2005/11/24, Andre Engels <andreengels at gmail.com>:

> And you're starting to annoy me. You find a sysop deleting pages, and:
> 1. You DON'T talk with him
> 2. You DON'T ask for his removal
> 3. You DON'T bring the pages back
> 4. You DO block him,
> That's one wrong thing done, two right things not done.

Sorry, three right things not done. And I can add a fourth: Actually
check WHAT has been deleted and if it were rightly done so, although I
guess that falls under #3 above.

Andre Engels, andreengels at gmail.com
ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

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