[Wikipedia-l] <span>

Peter Gervai grin at tolna.net
Tue Apr 27 13:06:48 UTC 2004


from time to time I would like to use <span> tag for inline element
styling, but it's not supported, so I have to use <div> and dirty tricks to
get it done, but it's not the same: since DIV is not an inherent inline
element, it's very hard to use it for blending something into the normal
text flow (like math for example, see my hack on meta/mediawiki user
guide/math using div instead of span).

maybe i'm wrong and there shouldn't be such styling on wikipedia pages
(people against tags would say "it makes wikitext harder to read for nontech
people"), so please share your opinion. I would like to use span, and would
like to have it enabled in mediawiki pages. As far as I know it does not
present cross-scripting or other vulnerabilities (I didn't explore this topic
too deep though).

if nobody objects or convinces me that I'm on the road to hell I'll try to
convince brion (which is probably the hardest part :)).


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