[WikiEN-l] Delete Daniel Brandt

Sean Barrett sean at epoptic.com
Tue Jun 13 22:13:22 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

poore5 at adelphia.net stated for the record:

> Harassment and stalking are crimes for a reason. Though you probably don't mean to be dismissive of victims of these crimes, you come across that way when you say that  you "don't let it get to you". The psychological trauma from harassment and stalking is real. Wikipedia needs to do a better job identifying the people that have harmed by this abuse and supporting them through the experience. This is a wise course of action for many reasons. 
> Sydney

Who is this "Wikipedia" who needs to do these things?  How does he or
she go about "identifying the people that have harmed"?  What
qualifications does he or she have to "support them through the experience"?

If my family or I were the victim of a crime, I would not welcome a
miscellaneous bunch of inexperienced and ill-informed volunteers from
all over the world trying to "identify" and "support" me.  The weight of
"IANAL" disclaimers alone would crash my server.

Amateurs writing an encyclopedia is one thing.  Amateurs trying to fix
the lives of strangers is quite another.

- --
 Sean Barrett     | Portions of this message were
 sean at epoptic.com | composed using a computer.
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