[WikiEN-l] And it's that happy time of year again

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 19:52:44 UTC 2005

The Arbitration Committee elections are coming along, and the
candidates are putting up statements already:


All the candidates so far are good editors and sincere candidates,
which is nice - Lir, Plautus, MARMOT and Enviroknot haven't thrown
their hats into the ring. But I think we need some more.

I was more or less drafted onto the AC - people saying "X is running.
Could you please run so we have someone to vote for." What I want you
reading this to do is to look at the above page, think of who *should*
be running and isn't, and ask them to. That's all. (And there are a
few I'll be approaching ...)

Also, consider yourself in the job. Necessary attributes are
significant clue about the Wikipedia community, a level head,
unflappability and a skin like a rhinoceros.

- d.

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