[WikiEN-l] (was Turn off article creation AND deletion.)

David Gerard fun at thingy.apana.org.au
Sat Dec 10 19:26:25 UTC 2005

Carbonite wrote:

> I'm starting to like where this proposal is going. I have some suggestions
> that I'd like to throw out for feedback:
> - AfD would be turned off for the first two weeks of the month (1st -14th).
> - The second week of the month (8th-14th), all mainspace article creation
> would be turned off.
> - Starting on the 15th, Wikipedia would return to operating as usual (for
> the rest of the month).
> I believe that the result of these changes would be to create a cycle in
> which more articles were developed into "real" articles rather than
> remaining substandard. It also cuts AfD's status to part-time. There
> probably would be a flood of nomination on the 15th of each month, but by
> this point every article would have had at least one full week to improve
> and likely closer to two weeks.

I like it. People insist on using AFD as an editorial tool ... let's go
with that and really treat it as one.

Add to above: all AFDs to run fourteen days, not five.

- d.

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