[WikiEN-l] Nude Kate Winslet Picture

Kevin Rector krector at Compco.com
Thu Apr 14 02:02:39 UTC 2005

Tony, I didn't make an "accusation" I made an observation about people like User:1337. You may disagree with my observation. But at this point I'm tired of this whole thing. You haven't listened to a single thing I've said, you just keep arguing. This is not productive, and I'm done with it. Please stop trying to pick a fight with me (If you not trying to pick a fight I sure feel like you are).


From: wikien-l-bounces at Wikipedia.org on behalf of Tony Sidaway
Sent: Wed 4/13/2005 10:22 AM
To: wikien-l at Wikipedia.org
Subject: RE: [WikiEN-l] Nude Kate Winslet Picture

Kevin Rector said:
> I have ZERO desire to get into a legal debate wherein I have to waste
> my time "gathering evidence" and defending my accusation.

Then I suggest you withdraw your blatantly false accusation.

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