[WikiEN-l] Nude Kate Winslet Picture

Rick giantsrick13 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 13 22:46:40 UTC 2005

--- Sean Barrett <sean at epoptic.org> wrote:

> Not to mention the fact that anyone who simply
> explains that, for
> whatever reason, he is made uncomfortable or
> inconvenienced by such
> pictures or discussions is personally attacked and
> ridiculed for being
> at best a childish person who should be spending his
> time at
> Yahooligans, probably an advocate of oppressive
> censorship, and at
> worst a psychotic.

I never said psychotic.  I never implied psychotic. 
You are making a straw man argument.  However, I fail
to see how suggesting that people who want to
bowdlerize Wikipedia would be more comfortable at
yahooligans, is any more of a personal attack than the
suggestion that those of who don't feel that any real
encyclopedia should be censored are somehow

> Those personal attacks, especially those from
> privileged characters
> who are absolved from censure, have a strong
> chilling effect on the
> conversation.

And who would that be?


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