[WikiEN-l] Disambiguation in the same category

JAY JG jayjg at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 5 16:30:35 UTC 2005

>I need some advice. What should I do when there are two people in the
>same category with the same name? For instance, if there were two people
>name Joe Blow and one was a soldier and one an author I could do
>something like this: Joe Blow (author)|]] and [[Joe Blow (soldier)|]].
>But what do I do if they are the same thing.
>Here's a real world example, there are two ice hockey players named Petr
>Sykora. They are both Czech, both have played in the NHL and both are
>notable enough for an article. Do I make the most notable (he already
>has an article) [[Petr Sykora]] and the less notable [[Petr Sykora
>(2)]]? If not, how do I handle this? Thanks.
>-Kevin Rector

Do they have a middle name or initial?


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