[WikiEN-l] Disambiguation in the same category

Kevin Rector krector at Compco.com
Tue Apr 5 16:26:31 UTC 2005

I need some advice. What should I do when there are two people in the
same category with the same name? For instance, if there were two people
name Joe Blow and one was a soldier and one an author I could do
something like this: Joe Blow (author)|]] and [[Joe Blow (soldier)|]].
But what do I do if they are the same thing. 

Here's a real world example, there are two ice hockey players named Petr
Sykora. They are both Czech, both have played in the NHL and both are
notable enough for an article. Do I make the most notable (he already
has an article) [[Petr Sykora]] and the less notable [[Petr Sykora
(2)]]? If not, how do I handle this? Thanks.

-Kevin Rector

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