[WikiEN-l] I think I can make it now, the pain is gone (was: I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it any more)

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Mon Feb 23 17:30:47 UTC 2004

Remember when it took a long, soul-seaching vote on this mailing list
for each new sysop?

Shucks, I remember when people were still afraid I was going to subvert
the whole project for the narrow sectarian interests of (what Erik still
calls) my "cult"; but after Jimbo made me a developer no one batted an
eye when I started promoting sysops...

I still chuckle when I think of that one math teacher who didn't want me
to do mailing list administration, but then mav was like, "Okay, you
wanna do it?" "No." "Then quitcherbitchin." (conversation reconstructed
from memory ;-)

The key people who "lead by leading" in this project have devoted
themselves to keeping up the quality of the articles, the accessibility
and ease of use of the servers, and the congeniality/openness of the

Three cheers for mav, Eloquence, Angela, Jimbo and the cast of hundreds
who keep this show on the road!

Ed Poor, aka Uncle Ed

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