[WikiEN-l] possible plagiarism

steven l. rubenstein rubenste at ohiou.edu
Tue Oct 21 17:43:37 UTC 2003

I have been removing text to talk, generally concerning the Ottoman Empire 
(articles on the Ottoman Triumvirate, Suleiman the Magnificent, Ormus, 
etc.).  These seem to be plagiarized from  WWW.nationmaster.com, which
>holds copyright on all aspects of this site (including but not limited to 
>content and layout), with the exception of the text from articles taken 
>from Wikipedia and where copyrights are held by our sources
Before I remove any more text to talk, I'd appreciate it if someone can 
check this for me.  As far as I can tell, the text in the nationmaster 
encyclopedia is not attributed to Wikipedia, so I have assumed that one of 
our contributors has been copying from them, rather than vice versa.  But 
I'd appreciate it if someone else can look into this further before I make 
any more changes,



Steven L. Rubenstein
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio 45701
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