[WikiEN-l] Please change the embarrassing donations message

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 8 18:55:40 UTC 2003

--- James Duffy <jtdire at hotmail.com> wrote:
>Please re-read what I wrote and stop 
> mis-interpreting it.

I read it again. And yep, it still annoyingly uses the
word "Wiki" as if it were the proper name of
Wikipedia. I know you don't intend it this way, but
that is insulting to the other wikis in the Wikimedia
family, not to mention all the other wikis on the

I did not believe for a moment that your exact wording
or length of your message would be used, and in fact
agree with your overall message and have helped
address your concerns. The improper use of the "Wiki",
however, is just a major pet peeve of mine (hence my
statement about bad chalk on a blackboard - it is
oftentimes painful to read your messages because of

-- mav

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