[Foundation-l] Volunteer Council - A shot for a resolution

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 14:13:55 UTC 2008

>  But
>  if it all goes to unrestricted general vote - none of these projects is
>  going to be represented. Then only stewards/active members of big projects
>  have a chance to be elected, and we are back to the countless lamentations
>  about insufficient representation of the community.

I'm not sure that's true. It depends on the voting system, but I
expect there's a way we can get smaller projects represented through a
general vote. Single Transferable Vote (or a variation of it) might
work. While a candidate from a small project may not stand much of a
chance, you'll still get a candidate from a similar project selected
by a natural grouping of votes (rather than forcing certain projects
together along arbitrary boundaries). If everyone from a group of
small projects votes for someone from their project as first choice
and people from the other projects in the group (this isn't a fixed
group, just a naturally occurring collection of like minded voters) as
their other choices, one of the candidates from that group is likely
to get a seat.

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