[Foundation-l] [Commons-l] PD-art and official "position of the WMF"

Cary Bass cary at wikimedia.org
Mon Aug 25 22:13:12 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Birgitte SB wrote:

> However if both sides of the debate were not compatible with WMF's values and licensing policies, I am sure the board would be vocal in pointing out the problem.  They spoke up loudly enough when it.WP was using "with permission" images.  So I would interpret Domas saying "I'd really like to trust the community [with preserving WMF values]" (as well as silence from the rest of board) to mean "both sides of the debate seem to be inbounds of WMF policy and values right now".  it.WP certainly wasn't told that their community was trusted to do as they saw fit to preserve WMF values.  They were pretty much told to change their policy.
> Birgitte SB

I've noticed that Italian Wikipedia contains a rather large number of
cc-by-nd, cc-by-nc and various different combinations thereof images
like that[1].  I was not aware of any moment when the Foundation told
it.wp it wasn't trusted to preserve WMF values, and feel secure that if
this took place after the EDP policy went into effect then I would have
heard something about it...can you source that?
- --
Cary Bass
Volunteer Coordinator

[1] http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categoria:Immagini_creative_commons

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