[Foundation-l] board candidacies

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 11 23:47:36 UTC 2006

--- Anthere <anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> So rrrrright, so much for the false assumptions. The expenses of Board 
> members relating to Foundation work are not entirely covered by the 
> Foundation. That's not a false assumption. That's a fact.

As far as I know (and I should know a thing or two about this), being reimbursed for
Wikimedia-related expenses is just a matter of requesting reimbursement and providing the
necessary documentation where needed. 

If you have been denied reimbursement for Wikimedia-related expenses after submitting a
reimbursement form, then PLEASE tell me (for the form, see
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Reimbursement_request_form.xls ). 

Setting up an explicit per diem policy to cover food/lodging/transit would only make such requests
easier (no need to get many small receipts). 
> This said, Michael wrote yesterday that I should ask for my child care 
> costs to be covered. Does that need a resolution ?

It seems perfectly reasonable to be reimbursed for child care obtained to cover times you are
traveling on Wikimedia-related business. I don't see why reimbursement of that expense would need
a resolution.

-- mav

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