[Foundation-l] Wiki trademark issue for ZH Wikipedia in mainland China

Michael R. Irwin michael_irwin at verizon.net
Sun Apr 23 12:21:27 UTC 2006

Jakob Voss wrote:

>P.S: In Germany a baker has trademark for "Wiki" for cakes since 1956
>but this is ok because Wikis and cakes are different things. Sadly he
>does not produce the cakes anymore,I would like to taste it :-)
Interesting excellent information regarding Chinese trademark stuff!
Thanks for sharing!

Perhaps if you sent some emails regarding the wiki cake to the Wikimania
organizers, the board appointees or employees responsible for Wikimedia
Foundation funds enhancement, and the baker some wiki cakes might become
available in the future at a profit to somebody.

Perhaps it is time for a Wikimedia Foundation store or franchise
reachable from a single front portal link rather than the wiki projects
themselves. I understand there are entire monastaries scattered around
the planet that make money off of special christmas fruitcake or wine
.... or expensive choculate assortments available at extremely high
prices for next day delivery for forgetful types around valentine's day
or parents days or other special days.

Maybe the wiki cake could be frosted with appropriate URLs or a message
could be included in a card. Might be a limited market ... I understand
there are probably less than a billion people on the internet.

If Wikimedia's non profit status were threatened by accepting franchise
or forwarding micropayments I suppose something might be arranged with
other non affiliated wiki's or companies.

Personally I have no desire for a wiki cake so you are on your own with
this idea. All rights released to the universe via public mailing list.

Michael R. Irwin,

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