[Foundation-l] [Wikitech-l] Google Summer of Code

Dirk Riehle dirk at riehle.org
Sun Apr 16 13:52:23 UTC 2006

>can falter.  Additionally, as the Mozilla note mentioned,
>contributions that aren't part of the mainline will likely bitrot.  (I
>don't have a solution to this; just a cautionary note.)

Well, the main solution is to create an ecosystem where people get 
hired to work (full-time) on providing such extensions (or additions 
to the mainline) to MediaWiki. Only this setup can provide some continuity.

I'm working on getting projects setup to do exactly that. (I 
mentioned this in a private note.) But for that to work the MediaWiki 
community needs be accepting of (corporate) contributions (assuming 
they follow the licenses and community spirit).

Are there any examples or even defined processes (on meta?) that I 
could look up?


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