[Foundation-l] meta-discussion for new project proposals (was Proposal for new project: Faith Wiki)

Rebecca misfitgirl at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 13:48:58 UTC 2005

On 6/28/05, Elisabeth Bauer <elian at djini.de> wrote:
> Sorry to say this, but in my opinion we shouldn't accept any new
> projects at all for the next two years but instead work on improving the
> existing ones. There's enough work to do and even the time we discuss
> new projects would be better invested in discussing and solving our
> current problems.
> greetings,
> elian

There are *many* people who disagree with this, and I think it's
somewhat rude to shoot down so bluntly what is a perfectly reasonable
new suggestion - cleaning up the messy process and improving the
prospects of a new project actually being successful. If we'd had this
in the first place, several of our current projects might be markedly
more successful.

-- ambi

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