[Foundation-l] Colourblindness (clarification)

Robin Shannon robin.shannon at gmail.com
Sun Jun 26 10:22:09 UTC 2005

2005/6/26, rose.parks at att.net <rose.parks at att.net>:
<snip />
> "Sure this isnt really important..."
> I don't agree with this remark in any way. I think that the "accessibility" of our site is quite important. By Section 508 of our accessibility laws, the U.S. government is not allowed to use non-accessible computer software, applications, etc. Further, I believe it is morally right that our site be accessible.
<snip />

i only meant this in the sense that being able to tell visited from
not visited isnt very important (to me at least), not that
accessibility for the colourblind isnt important.

2005/6/26, Brion Vibber <brion at pobox.com>:
> Our links are blue and red. Can you confirm that these really are
> indistinguishable to someone with red-green colorblindness?
> I would really like to know if this is based on actual experience (eg,
> you are colorblind or a colorblind person has reported to you that they
> are in fact not distinguishable) or if it's speculation. Without hard
> data it's going to be very difficult to just come up with a change.
> -- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)

brion, i based my first post on what was reported to me by one of the
most active wikinewsies who happens to be colourblind. He didnt know
that they were different colours untill someone told him. I have also
been told by another person on wikinews who simply has poor vision
rather than colourblindness that they have trouble telling visited and
non-visited links apart.

paz y amor,

hit me: <robin.shannon.id.au>
jab me: <robin.shannon at jabber.org.au>

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