[Foundation-l] Re: Grants -- a proposal

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 20 22:17:09 UTC 2005

Angela a écrit:
> On 20/06/05, Anthere <anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>I am not sure why you make such an overgeneralization, since Angela is
>>apparently not very supportive of this proposal, I am supporting it to a
>>fair extent, and Jimbo did not comment yet :-)
> I'm not saying I don't support the proposal. I just have a lot of
> questions about how it is going to work and I would like discussion
> about those before agreeing to such a large change in the way we
> handle donations.
> Perhaps arranging a meeting with the grants committee would be a
> better way to develop the proposal rather than trying to make any sort
> of decision here based on Danny's initial suggestions?
> Angela.

I entirely agree with your view Angela. There are many good questions 
raised. Perhaps a few more people could comment to have more arguments 
and views in hand, then Danny could plan a meeting in the future to talk 
more about this.

Afaik, the next fundraising is rather for september, so there is no 
hurry ;-)


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