[Foundation-l] Concern with performance issues

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 17 20:46:35 UTC 2005

--- Robin Shannon <robin.shannon at gmail.com> wrote:
> Why, what is wrong with having "people dedendent on the Foundation for
> a regular source of income."? If we were to use only contract workers,
> a new person would have to learn the whole system every 3 months, and
> it would also make longer term projects more difficult to
> do. Contract workers, for sys admin is just crazy talk.

In practice such a person would almost certainly get his/her contract renewed
each time. The contract term for each renewal would also likely get longer and
longer as we obtain more and more secure funding sources. In time we may even
be in a position to have real employees with benefits. 

-- mav

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