[Foundation-l] Re: [Wikipedia-l] MediaWiki 1.3

Andre Engels engelsAG at t-online.de
Sat May 22 08:57:00 UTC 2004

"Ulrich Fuchs" <mail at ulrich-fuchs.de> schrieb:

> Well actually, unless the supercategories don't display the articles of there 
> subcategories they are pretty useless. Eg 
> http://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Canine should display [[Poodle]] 
> somewhere, since Poodle is in the Dog category. Actually, this functionality 
> is what we need the categories for ("show me all actors", "show me all 
> artists", "show me all persons"). Without that working, I wouldn't call the 
> category feature "functional".

I disagree. It is not functioning the way you want it, but:
* It _is_ functioning - it is only the sub-categorization that is not
* I don't even know whether I _want_ it to function the way you say.
  Non-transparent subcategories provide a way to subdivide categories
  that are getting unwieldily large. Weighing this against the possibility
  of having a single category page that refers to all titles, I am not
  sure yet which I find the greater advantage.

As another issue, the text 'category' for referring to a category, is
it the same on other languages, is it coupled to the name of the
category-namespace or is it separately defineable?

Andre Engels

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