[Wikipedia-l] New Wikipedia request: Novial language

novial novial at tiscali.fi
Thu Jan 12 09:59:02 UTC 2006

At least four poeple have committed to contribute to a Wikipedia in the
constructed language Novial. This language was published in 1928 by
Professor Otto Jespersen followed by a multilingual dictionary in 1930.

In ISO 639-3 Novial has the 3-letter code nov.
The documentation is here:

On the basis of internet information the number of people who write this
language on the internet is in the order  of one dozen to twenty. The
language is well known among enthusiasts of international auxiliary
languages and is often said to be one of the best.

You can read our conversation which yesterday confirmed at least four
enthusiastic contributors at the novial-discussion group at Yahoo!

If you wish to learn more about Novial see the Wikipedia entry:

or the Novial Wikibook:

The voting is on this page:



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