[Wikipedia-l] Serbo-Croatian wikipedia

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 8 19:08:37 UTC 2006

--- Filip Maljkovic <dungodung at gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree with Elephantus here and I think that this project represents 
> nothing but a carbon copy of some articles from three distinct 
> wikipedias. Pokrajac, one of the admins at SH constantly claims that 
> Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian are same languages, which is completely 
> insane. The languages have started diverging a long time ago and since 
> the 1990s, they have become more distant. It is true that the speakers 
> of those 3 languages are mutually intelligible, but that doesn't mean 
> that they speak the same language.

What kind of doublespeak is that? The purpose of language is to confer meaning. If the three
dialects are mutually intelligible and we have a means to deal with differences in script, then
there is in fact just one language as far as we are concerned. In other words, if articles in one
can be copied to the others and only require minor changes in writing (if at all; esp in cases of
use of the same script), then there is only one language and thus only a need for one wiki. 

-- mav

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