[Wikipedia-l] Re: Paid adminstrator (Money.. Mark)

Karl Eichwalder ke at gnu.franken.de
Mon Oct 13 04:29:45 UTC 2003

Tim Starling <ts4294967296 at hotmail.com> writes:

> I think we should pay photographers and illustrators. It's very
> necessary, and uncontroversial.

No, it's the same as with texts.  Buying such hardware for lending would
be okay.  It would also be okay to assemble a wipipedia library of
printed books for lending (maybe that's a minor issue since libraries
are still open to the public for free (or for a minimal fee) - at least
that's the case here in Germany.

                                                         |      ,__o
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http://www.gnu.franken.de/ke/                            |   (*)/'(*)

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