[Wikipedia-l] Article def for {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Thu Sep 19 13:11:02 UTC 2002

Neil Harris wrote:

> How about this: we call what the existing count measures "article
> entries" or "entries"  and articles that fit the new, more tightly
> defined count's rules are then called "substantial articles" or just
> "articles".
> So, the Main Page would say,
> "we already have 31522 substantial articles (out of a total of 43726
> article entries)"
> We could then have both "Random article" and "Random entry".

That sounds better to me... I use the random button as a means of
finding double redirects, year templates without any content, pathetic
stubs, spelling mistakes that need correcting etc. If all of these were
cut out, its usefulness to me would be slashed. When I come to a lengthy
page with the random button I just move on, because I assume that the
article doesn't need my sort of work on it anymore. 


Karen AKA Kajikit

And on the seventh day, God said 'What my world needs is a creature 
that will truly appreciate it in all its facets' - 
and so He made the kitten.

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