[WikiEN-l] <Ref> tags s__k

Matthew Brown morven at gmail.com
Sun Dec 10 06:54:17 UTC 2006

On 12/9/06, stvrtg <stvrtg at gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone else bothered by how much these clutter up and interefere with
> editing text?

Me. The idea that one puts a reference near the referred-to text is
good in principle - in that it makes it harder to lose the reference -
but the interaction of that with the 'cite blah' templates is poor.
They're bulky, and that causes a problem.  The flow of the text is
lost, making editing less natural.

The problem with putting the actual reference text in the references
section and referring to it by name in the text is that the two are
then separated and easier to break.  However, I'd prefer that to the
ugly mess the current <ref> tags make of the running text.


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