[WikiEN-l] Public Domain in occupied Iraq

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Wed Sep 21 23:29:57 UTC 2005

steve v wrote:

>--- Ray Saintonge <saintonge at telus.net> wrote:
>>7.   If pre-occupation Iraqi law would provide
>>protection for this 
>>photograph, it should be recognized for a period of
>>at least 25 years 
>>after the date of first publication.  There is ample
>>time before we need 
>>to determine whether that period of time should be
>Really? This is interesting, because Saddam law might
>have ruled it illegal to drive tanks over his statues,
>and take pictures of him in his underwear. Current
>"law" in Iraq doesnt seem to hold those "rights"
>inviolate. Theres a similar issue with Nazi-era
>photographs, etc. Does Germany claim Deutchland™ for
>anything Fuhrer™?
I don't know whether this is better characterized as irrational or 
incoherent. There is no suggestion that President Hussein was the 
personal copyright holder for the photograph. Your ramblings have 
nothing to do with copyright. It doesn't seem right to want to punish 
all the citixens of a country just because you don't like its former 


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