[WikiEN-l] Confirmations of permission

Nick Boalch n.g.boalch at durham.ac.uk
Thu Sep 1 07:14:07 UTC 2005

Christopher Larberg wrote:
> One suggestion I have is to ask the copyright holder to create a PGP key set 
> and sign the e-mail with his or her private key, as I and some others on this 
> list do with all our e-mails.

While that is the ultimate solution I'm unconvinced how many copyright 
holders, in addition to doing us the favour of licensing their work 
under the GFDL, would be prepared to learn how to use gpg just so they 
could do it. We're asking *them* a favour and the onus is on us to make 
it easy for them, I think.



Nicholas Boalch
School of Modern Languages & Cultures       Tel: +44 (0) 191 334 3420
University of Durham                        Fax: +44 (0) 191 334 3421
New Elvet, Durham DH1 3JT, UK               WWW: http://nick.frejol.org/

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