[WikiEN-l] Confirmations of permission

Alphax alphasigmax at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 07:09:52 UTC 2005

Hash: RIPEMD160

Christopher Larberg wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-08-31 at 17:11 +0100, Nick Boalch wrote:
>>Theresa Knott wrote:
>>>>What is the prevailing etiquette on what to do with positive responses
>>>>to requests for confirmation of licensing permission?
>>>I think as long as you remove the IP, the email address and other
>>>sensitive info, I doubt that  anyone would object to the email being
>>>copied to the talk page would they?
>>No, I can't imagine they would -- but if this sensitive info is removed 
>>then there's essentially no difference between an emailed authorisation 
>>and a random anonymous editor on the talk page claiming to be the 
>>author. Is my word that the confirmation was real enough?
> The way I've seen some editors handle this is promise to forward the
> e-mail to anyone who requests a copy. Of course, this doesn't really
> resolve the verifiability problem, because headers can be easily
> spoofed. One suggestion I have is to ask the copyright holder to create
> a PGP key set and sign the e-mail with his or her private key, as I and
> some others on this list do with all our e-mails. As long as his or her
> public key is available, which it always will be if placed on a public
> key server and downloaded by individuals, the e-mail can be easily
> verified. GnuPG, a PGP program, is freely available for all major
> operating systems, and many mail clients, such as Evolution and Mozilla
> Thunderbird, provide easy PGP integration.

Damn! You beat me to it! (Yes, I read my email in descending thread
order, sometimes) :)

Oh, and both GPG and Thunderbird are Free Software.

- --
Alphax                      |   /"\
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OpenPGP key ID: 0xF874C613  |    X   Against HTML email & vCards
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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