[WikiEN-l] Re: more active censorship

Nathan J. Yoder njyoder at energon.org
Sun Jul 3 19:12:51 UTC 2005

> That may, strictly speaking, fulfill the requirements of the GFDL
> (indeed you could also use &action=raw&ctyle=text/css if you're techy), 
> but it is the completely wrong approach by all principles of UI design 
> and user expectation. (Notice especially that you admitted that, in 
> order to see that link, you have to have your block renewed again...)

 You're right about the UI thing, it's expected that things work a
certain way--so expecting users to know abot that XML export feature
isn't a safe bet (especially when that feature is only mentioned AFTER
your block gets renewed). Plus there's the assumption that hitting
'edit page' wouldn't actually renew anything, so since that's the
easiest method of getting the source, that's why I did.

He didn't even address the fact that someone may want to read the
block page or again and that the person may not even know about the
block yet when they hit edit.

I also notice that no one has made an argument for why it should work
that way, since it's clearly only meant to thwart block evasion (which
this is not a case of).

I don't think he's willing to acknowledge that it's a bug no matter
what as he appears to be acting in bad faith.  I think it's pretty
clear that he's being disengenuous along with the other admins
defending the same idea without valid justification (just childish
retorts), so really it's insane to reblock me for calling an admin
disingenuous when it's not only true, but is a description of their
behavior as it pertains directly to the current circumtsance (read:not
a personal attack).

Nathan J. Yoder

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