[WikiEN-l] Blocking Nazis is not about blocking for mere insults

Theresa Knott theresaknott at gmail.com
Mon Feb 21 16:39:13 UTC 2005

> Now we have a number of individuals with
> similar beliefs attacking non-"Aryans", saying "88" (code
> for "Heil Hitler", and abusing and driving away decent
> contributors.

That's not actually true they (actually they were probably all the
same person) were blocked almost straight away. They haven't driven
anyone away.

> So I was hurt and stunned when Zero 0000 _again_ defended
> Nazi hatespeech and harassment, and called for its
> acceptance on Wikipedia.

He didn't do any such thing, he queried a block and wondered whether
it was within our blocking policy. He wasn't sure if the block was
justified and wanted to discuss the matter. That doesn't make him a
defender of hatespeech. ~~~~

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