[WikiEN-l] Troll?

Mark Richards marich712000 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 16 15:35:00 UTC 2004

You make it sound like 'troll-folk' are identifiable,
and do nothing but 'troll' (whatever that is). In
fact, this word is almost always applied to someone
with whom we have a disagreement. It does not apply to
them in general, usually just the thing we disagree
with. This sort of dehumanizing generalisation is not

--- Charles Matthews <charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com>

> Ray Saintonge wrote
> > Of course bad faith trolling is not to be
> condoned, but the same can't
> > be said of good faith trolling when it succeeds in
> waking people up.
> Ray, troll-folk are not slow to make this argument
> for themselves.  I hardly
> think this list needs its complacency undermined, or
> whatever you think
> you're doing with this special pleading.  It is
> wretched stuff.
> Charles
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