[WikiEN-l] Re: Shrinking and expanding at the same time (was AC with a small quorum and IRC meetings)

Michael Snow wikipedia at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 11 03:36:31 UTC 2004

Fred Bauder wrote:

>I think we should simply empanel a 3 person jury from active users
>(including folks who are not administrators) and let them make a decision.
>If someone is dissatisfied they can appeal to the arbitrators and get a new
As part of the Arbitration Committee + magistrates concept, one possible 
benefit I can see is that anyone from the pool of magistrates could step 
up and serve as a pro tem arbitrator when there are recusals. This 
benefit would not be available if the panels are simply juries.

That doesn't necessarily prevent us from making use of the "jury of 
peers" approach to justice, but I definitely think that any jury in that 
sense needs to be larger than three people.

--Michael Snow

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