[WikiEN-l] Who is this editorial group?

Peter Jaros rjaros at shaysnet.com
Tue May 25 03:25:09 UTC 2004


> WIKIPEDIA IS ONE of the more remarkable projects on the Web. The 
> online encyclopedia (www.wikipedia.com) is the work of 6,000-odd 
> volunteers covering a huge range of subjects, even though it does 
> better on science and technology than on arts and culture. Not 
> surprisingly, the articles are of uneven depth and quality. If you 
> find an error, you are welcome to suggest a correction. And if you 
> find a topic that isn't covered, you are welcome to create a new 
> article. (An editorial group decides which corrections and 
> contributions merit posting.)

Uh, who is this "editorial group"?  This wouldn't disturb me so much
if I hadn't sent a letter to another columnist recently about almost
the same language.  I supposed the WikiWay is just too hard for some
people to believe, but who is this "editorial group"?


Wow.  Three consecutive lines, 76 chars each.  By accident.  ::Bow::

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