[WikiEN-l] Wikipeda 1.0 Paper Plus

Jimmy Wales jwales at bomis.com
Thu Aug 21 13:58:16 UTC 2003

Rick wrote:
>How does giving someone special "approver" ranking jibe with the
>supposed equality of Wiki?

Well, Rick, I'm appreciative of your concerns.  But I wonder what
ideas you might offer for a viable methodology for selecting
particular revisions of articles for a 1.0 release?

Wikipedia the website and Wikipedia the process are excellent.  The
strength is the openness.  But of course the openness means that at
any given moment in time, an article may be full of nonsense, or may
be simply grammatically incomplete.  Sometimes articles have things
like <need to write more here> in the middle of them.

So, we need to have trusted people go through and flag the articles.

YES, that trust should be widely distributed, and yes the process
should be open and transparent.  But it also seems to me that it needs
to be _trustworthy_ first and foremost.


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