[Mediawiki-l] Incomplete install of 1.3.0... code dies

Brion Vibber brion at pobox.com
Thu Aug 12 20:25:43 UTC 2004

Bryan Yang wrote:
> I've tried repeatedly to install a fresh copy of 1.3.0 on my server, but I
> get a very strange problem. I enter the appropriate information into the
> fields (no SQL root pw), and click "install". Some text shows up, the
> browser indicates "Done", but no LocalSettings.php file is generated, and
> Upon reading the source code output of the page, the html abruptly
cuts off
> at the last entry, no </body> or </html> tag. This must indicate some
> kind of crash? Checking tables through phpMyAdmin shows that the
> relevant SQL tables have been generated.

Yes, that's pretty suspicious. A successful installation will end with 
this text:

   Success! Move the LocalSettings.php file into the parent directory,
   then follow this link to your wiki.

It would help if you could include the complete output of the 
installation process, so we might guess which part of the install was 
the last one that said "done".

> when using a manually generated LocalSettings.php, I receive a 404 error
> upon access of "index.php/MainPage". This problem occurs whether or not I
> delete the tables, delete/re-upload the files, etc. I have set CHMOD 777
> onto the /config/ directory as instructed.
> - PHP server API is cgi; using ugly URLs (index.php?title=Page_Title)

When using PHP as a CGI module, the index.php/Main_Page style URL *will 
not work* without additional configuration (such as setting up 
mod_rewrite). Try index.php?title=Main_Page

-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)
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