[Licom-l] Licensing status update

Erik Moeller erik at wikimedia.org
Sat Mar 28 01:46:37 UTC 2009

* Translations are underway but going a bit slowly; Casey and friends
are going to try to rally translators over the coming days. :-)

* I've asked Cary to manage identification of volunteers responsible
for checking the legitimacy of votes, who may be exposed to private IP
addresses. This part will probably be restricted to users above the
age of 18 with proof of identity on file, as per our access to
nonpublic data policy.

* Brion has asked Tim to modify and deploy the licensing vote software
on the basis of the Board voting software; so far estimates are good
that the vote can indeed be launched next week, but I'm waiting for a
full status update on the technical front.

I'll note that the licensing vote software will have some UI strings
that need to be translated. This part worries me a bit as, until the
code is finalized, these strings cannot really be translated

I suggest, as a next step, that we appoint a point person to be the
first point of contact for Tim to support the testing and integration
of the voting software, help answer any substance questions, etc. This
"launch coordinator" would also give the final sign-off from the
licensing committee, followed by a final sign-off from WMF (i.e.
probably me) for launching the vote. I nominate Robert Rohde to be the
launch coordinator, if he's willing, and of course unless you have any
objections. :-)


Erik Möller
Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation

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