[Labs-l] [regarding bots project] Please explain this to me

Damian Zaremba damian at damianzaremba.co.uk
Sun Jan 13 16:50:34 UTC 2013

On 13/01/2013 01:25, Ryan Lane wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Ryan Lane <rlane32 at gmail.com 
> <mailto:rlane32 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 11:32 PM, Petr Bena <benapetr at gmail.com
>     <mailto:benapetr at gmail.com>> wrote:
>         there is something very wrong
>         everytime I change it to normal, within few minutes it's back
>         to 000 - can someone from ops take a look on that?
>     Seems there's a split-brain for that volume. I'm so tired of
>     glusterfs. I've cleaned up the simple split-brains, and have fixed
>     the permissions issues, but there's still a number of issues
>     reporting in the log for split-brain. I'm going to talk with the
>     gluster folks about this.
> Well, It seems that the split brain isn't actually affecting the 
> permissions. According to the bug apache is doing this with mod_userdir.
> The split-brain actually isn't an issue. Now that I've checked it, 
> there were 3 bad files:
> /data/project/public_html/petrb/logs/#wikimedia-operations/20121217.txt
> /data/project/public_html/petrb/wm-bot/html/#wikimedia-operations/20121217.htm
> /data/project/public_html/petrb/wm-bot/html/##thesecretlair/20121217.htm
> And the rest of the split-brain is for directories, which are likely 
> due to bad timestamps.
> - Ryan
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It's not Apache - there's a script which both creates directories for 
project members if they don't exist and chmod's non-members to 000 (if a 
user is removed from the project their stuff shouldn't be accessible 
outside of the project, such as in the case of a suspended user).

I've just updated the script to ignore anything that isn't a dir, so if 
someone creates a recursive symlink again it won't remove everyone's access.

Also added auto symlinking ~$USER/public_html to 
/data/project/public_html/$USER which petr requested a while back.

for reference.

- Damian
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