[Engineering] Help with tasks resolving T150554 (wiki account compromise incident)

Darian Patrick dpatrick at wikimedia.org
Tue Nov 29 20:33:58 UTC 2016

Hello all,

As you might imagine, there are quite a number of follow-up task resulting
from the wiki account compromise this month. We've begun assigning some of
those tasks within the Security team, but we could use some additional

If you have a some free cycles, expertise, access to Security bugs in Phab,
and are willing to help out, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

The ticket is https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T150554 and items which
we've already triaged and assigned have been added to the Task Graph. Items
that are up for grabs (not necessarily all of them, but some) are listed in

Just respond on one of those tickets and let myself, Brian, or Sam know
that you're taking that task.



Darian Anthony Patrick
Security Manager
IRC:   dapatrick
Wikis: DPatrick (WMF)
5304 CF26 E373 AEEF 6855
07AA 5F3E B709 00D4 11A4
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