[Commons-l] CommonTasks

Samuli Lintula samuli at samulilintula.net
Mon Sep 25 15:09:14 UTC 2006

On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 20:19:11 +0300, Fredrik Josefsson  
<fred_chessplayer at yahoo.se> wrote:

> Fourth. Because of the increased traffic, there is a
> larger backlog, although not critical.

Fred, thank you for these statistics. I personally feel that thay are  
useful as they are motivating for two reasons:
1. They list important things we can do something about.
2. They show how badly we are needed.

True, the second point isn't always so motivating. That's why I have  
thought about ways to make the statistics more motivating or using them in  
a better way.

What I've been thinking is weekly tasks. These tasks could be something  
*delete backlog of images without source/license
*removing duplicates
*dealing with backlog in deletion requests
*deling with images that have {{delete}} tag but aren't in deletion  
*Orgullobots Welcome log
*many other
*sorting images

The benefits of weekly tasks and working on a common goal include at least:

1. Doing things together is more fun
2. Working together shows our combined power
3. Achieving a goal feels good
4. Even big tasks are doable

Working on this model further, I propose we have two weekly (or biweekly  
or whatever) tasks: one which requires admin privileges and one which  
doesn't. This way we'd always have something to offer to those who are not  
admins - and vice versa. Also when we see who participate in CommonTasks  
(tm) we know who could be future admins.

PS. Now expect you to tell me that this already exists but I just don't  
know about it ;)

Ystävällisin terveisin,
Samuli Lintula

Ystävällisin terveisin,
Samuli Lintula

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