[Advocacy Advisors] Does the Foundation intend to propose any actual actions?

Amgine amgine at wikimedians.ca
Mon Feb 18 05:41:47 UTC 2013

On 17/02/13 09:18 PM, James Salsman wrote:
> I've been working as a professional statistician for most of the past
> two decades, in applied fields where problems result in immediate
> failures of various algorithms. These opinion questions aren't
> sophisticated. People will answer when they are asked. What do you
> think makes sampling so difficult, in the case, for instance, of how
> often advocacy actions should be proposed?

Well, as a simple issue of weighting, should geographic weighting be 
applied based on size of a given language speaking population? e.g. 
Should the sample of English speaking respondents from India be relevant 
to the region's weight in English as a language, it's population as a 
portion of humanity, its estimated online population, or some other 
global-relative weighting?

Or how about projects: are all project populations to be the same size?

I'd be very interested in what field you are a professional 
statistician; my area is health sciences, particularly public health.


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