Langcom June 2017
  • 15 participants
  • 21 discussions

[i18n software news] Collation for Bashkir
by Amir E. Aharoni
6 years, 8 months

Ho and Warang Citi
by Amir E. Aharoni
6 years, 10 months

[Approval] of Hindi Wikivoyage
by Satdeep Gill
6 years, 10 months

Hindi Wikiversity should not be created
by Justin Anthony Knapp
6 years, 10 months

Current open requests for Project Closures
by Steven White
6 years, 10 months

Rejection of Wikipedia Prekmurian
by MF-Warburg
6 years, 10 months

Approval of Ingush Wikipedia
by MF-Warburg
6 years, 10 months

Voting changes
by Milos Rancic
6 years, 10 months

Practical transparency
by Lodewijk
6 years, 11 months

[Approval] of Hindi Wikiversity
by Satdeep Gill
6 years, 11 months
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