Wikidata February 2013
  • 36 participants
  • 26 discussions

[Wikidata-l] Expiration date for data
by Marco Fleckinger
11 years, 2 months

[Wikidata-l] gene templates -> wikidata, when?
by Benjamin Good
11 years, 3 months

[Wikidata-l] Demo servers are currently unavailable
by Silke Meyer
11 years, 3 months

[Wikidata-l] When will be the next wikidata dump?
by Maria Miteva
11 years, 3 months

[Wikidata-l] Next Stage From Wikidata to Free Knowledge
by Konstantin Ksenofontov
11 years, 3 months

[Wikidata-l] When will be the next wikidata dump?
by Jianyong Zhang
11 years, 3 months

[Wikidata-l] some good news about the future of Wikidata
by Lydia Pintscher
11 years, 3 months

[Wikidata-l] weekly summary 46
by Lydia Pintscher
11 years, 3 months

[Wikidata-l] Disambiguation in property names
by Bináris
11 years, 3 months

[Wikidata-l] Wikidata API
by Yuri Astrakhan
11 years, 3 months
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