Wiki-research-l May 2013
  • 26 participants
  • 32 discussions

Wikipedia Research policy
10 months, 3 weeks

Statistics on wiki page editing/creation by country?
by alina ostling
9 years, 8 months

WikiPapers has now over 1,000 publications
by emijrp
10 years, 7 months

Office hour with WMF researchers
by ENWP Pine
10 years, 8 months

A wiki search engine
by emijrp
10 years, 10 months

The Wikimedia Research Newsletter 3(5) is out
by Dario Taraborelli
10 years, 10 months

WikiSym 2012 papers?!
by Taha Yasseri
10 years, 10 months

Fwd: [SOCNET] 2nd CfP: social contagion and collective behaviour (ECCS'13 -- Barcelona)
by Taha Yasseri
11 years

August 18-20: workshop on tools for studying digital behavior
by Sumana Harihareswara
11 years
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